Analytics & Reporting
All data on Olivia is updated in real time. This means that you can see the current status of your project at any time. You can see how many respondents have already been recruited, how many respondents have already participated and how many respondents are still needed to reach your target.
Latest Invitations
You will be shown the 10 latest invitations. You can see the name of the respondent, the date of the appointment and the status of the respondent.
Recruiting Status
You will see how many respondents have already been recruited and how many respondents are still needed to reach your target. The percentage shows you how many percent of the respondents have already been recruited. FG stands for focus group, IDI for in-depth interview and Quant for quantitative survey.
Product | Target | Gross | Current | FG | IDI | Quant | Percentage | Open |
Aston Martin DB5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 133% | 0 |
Porsche 911 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 33% | 3 |
Explanation: In this example you can see that 4 respondents have already been recruited for the Aston Martin DB5 (current). 2 respondents are booked for the focus group, 1 respondent for the in-depth interview and 1 respondent for the quantitative survey. So with 4 recruited respondents and 3 are needed to reach the target: 133% of your target quota has already been reached (4/3 = 133%), the percentage of over-recruitments is 33% (4/3 = 133% - 100% = 33%).
If there are cancellations, the status will be updated automatically and you can see the current status of your project at any time.
Clinic Status
The clinic status will show you the live status of your clinic. This is extremely useful during an ongoing project. You can see how many respondents have already participated and how many respondents are still needed to reach your target. The chance percentage shows you how likely it is that you will reach your target. The higher the percentage, the more likely it is that you will reach your target.
Product | Target | Gross | Current | Show | Show % | No Show | No Show % | Open | Chance in % |
Aston Martin DB5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 167% |
Porsche 911 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 100% | 0 | 0% | 2 | Target reached (+0) |
Explanation: For the Aston Martin DB5, 5 respondents have been recruited (current). None of the respondents have participated or NOT participated yet. So with 5 recruited respondents still to be 'open' and 3 are needed to reach the target: The chance is 167% that you will reach your target (5/3 = 167%).
For the Porsche 911, 5 respondents have been recruited (current). 3 respondents have already participated, so the target has already been reached and at the moment you have 0 over-recruitments (target reached (+0)). If the 2 open respondents participate, you will have 2 over-recruitments (target reached (+2)).
Again, all data is updated in real time.