
Modes are the different types of bookings your project offers. For example, if you offer a focus group and a telephone interview, you need two modes. You can add as many modes as you like. For example, different modes could be:

  • Focus groups
  • In-depth interviews
  • Quantitative surveys
  • Telephone/Online interviews

You can also add a duration to each mode. Duration is the time it takes to participate in your study. For example, a focus group can take 90 minutes, while a quantitative survey can take 30 minutes. This information can be used when you create the PDF invitation for your respondents.

Click on "Create modes" on the onboarding screen and then on "Add new mode". Enter a name for your mode and click on "Save". You can add as many modes as you like.

You have now created your first mode. 🎉

Going back to "dashboard", you see that the mode has been added to your project and you can continue with adding your products.