Car Clinic Recruitment with Olivia

Car clinics are essential for automotive market research, and successful clinics start with efficient participant recruitment. Olivia streamlines the recruitment process for car clinics, ensuring you get the right participants for your automotive studies.

How Olivia Enhances Car Clinic Recruitment

  1. Targeted Participant Screening: Easily create and manage screening questionnaires to ensure participants meet specific criteria such as car ownership, driving habits, or brand preferences.

  2. Efficient Scheduling: Set up multiple clinic sessions over several days, allowing participants to choose convenient time slots that match your research needs.

  3. Quota Management: Automatically track and manage quotas for different demographic groups or vehicle types, ensuring balanced representation in your study.

  4. Real-time Recruitment Tracking: Monitor recruitment progress in real-time, allowing you to adjust strategies if certain quotas are filling slowly.

  5. Seamless Check-in Process: Use QR codes for quick and easy participant check-in on the day of the clinic, reducing administrative overhead.

By leveraging Olivia for your car clinic recruitment, you can focus on preparing for insightful research sessions while our system handles the complexities of participant management and scheduling.