On-site Check-in/out and QR Code Scanning
You can check in and check out your participants on-site using two methods: manual check-in and QR code scanning. This way, you can keep track of who is present and who is not. No more paper lists!
Manual Check-in
To manually check in a participant:
- Go to the dashboard
- Click on "Edit" next to the participant you want to check in
- Click on the "Check in" button
Olivia will check in the participant for you, and their status will change to "Show".
Manual Check-out
To manually check out a participant:
- Go to the dashboard
- Click on "Edit" next to the participant you want to check out
- Click on the "Check out" button
Olivia will check out the participant for you, and their status will change to "Checked out".
QR Code Check-in/out
For a faster and more efficient check-in/out process, you can use QR code scanning:
- Enable QR code check-in/out in your menu (Enable QR check-in)
- Grant camera permissions to your browser
- Look for the green blinking dot in the top-right corner of your screen. This dot indicates that the QR code scanner is now active and ready for use.
- Optional: Click on the dot and a small camera view will appear in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
- Ask the participant to show their QR code (from their PDF invitation) and scan it with your device's camera.
- Olivia will automatically scan the code and check the participant in or out.
Check-in/out Times
Check-in and check-out times are recorded automatically, whether you use manual check-in or QR code scanning. This data will also be exported to Excel, allowing you to keep track of how long your participants were present.
Benefits of QR Code Check-in/out
- Faster process, reducing queues and wait times
- Minimizes manual data entry errors
- Provides a more professional and tech-savvy experience for participants
- Allows for quick and easy tracking of attendance